Sunday, December 2, 2012

MTO EXCLUSIVE SHOCKER: NFL Baller Killed His GF . . .Because He Claimed She Was CREEPING WITH R&B SINGER Trey Songz!!! -™ 2012

MTO EXCLUSIVE SHOCKER: NFL Baller Killed His GF . . .Because He Claimed She Was CREEPING WITH R&B SINGER Trey Songz!!! -™ 2012
: is STARTING to get information regarding the MURDER-SUICIDE committed by Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher. The 25-year-old Kansas City Chiefs linebacker murdered his 22-year-old babys mother Kasandra Perkins early on Saturday morning, then he drove to the stadium and killed himself in front of his coach and general manager.
We spoke EXCLUSIVELY with one of Kasandra's friends who tell us that the FATAL ARGUMENT started . . . over Jovan's JEALOUS DELUSIONS that his girlfriend was having a relationship with R&B singer TREY SONGZ - even though she NEVER MET HIM!!
The friend tells, "[Kasandra] and her girlfriends went to see Trey Songz and Miguel at Midland [theatre]. It was one of her first nights out since having the baby." But it was what happened AFTERWARDS that caused Jovan to go crazy.
The friend explains, "After the concert [the girls] went to the afterparty. She didn't do anything wrong, she wasn't with any guys, and was nowhere near Trey." But despite that, Jovan was FURIOUS when he learned that Kasandra didn't come DIRECTLY HOME after the concert. And INSTEAD was at the afterparty with HUNDREDS of fans.
Kasandra's friend added, "[Kasandra] left after getting a text from Jovan. And that's the last we saw her." And she added that to accuse Kassandra of creeping with ANYONE, including Trey Songs - is RIDICULOUS. As we said above, Kasandra NEVER MET Trey Songz.
When Kasandra arrived home, reports are that Jovan ACCUSED HER of having a relationship with TREY SONGZ and then SHOT HER multiple times KILLING her.
This dude sounds REAL CRAZY . . . maybe all those FOOTBALL CONCUSSIONS got him DELUSIONAL!!!

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