Thursday, October 25, 2012

Republican Kelly Clarkson is putting people before the party, and Voting for Obama

Kelly Clarkson calls herself a Republican, but this presidential election, she's putting people before party.The Texas-raised singer has told sources that she is planning voting for Barack Obama on November 6 because of Mitt Romney's anti-gay agenda.While speaking to the UK's Daily Star, Clarkson explained:“I’ve been reading online about the debates and I’m probably going to vote for Obama again, even though I’m a Republican at heart. I can’t support Romney’s policies as I have a lot of gay friends and I don’t think it’s fair they can’t get married."That's not the only issue she supports the President on either. She's a woman who would like to make her own decisions about her own body, adding:“I’m not a hardcore feminist but we can’t be going back to the 50s."Turns out she also appreciates Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign, which encourages America to eat healthy and exercise. After calling Obama "a great guy," she continued:“I’ve met him and I’m a fan of Michelle too. She has been busy promoting better education and healthy diets, which is something we could all use a dose of reality on.”Sounds like she knows exactly why she's voting this year. Why are U?

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